Karagai Arulaq
Cocky and always with a smile.
Buy me a drink.
-Age: 25
-Status: Married (Open relationship)
-Place of Birth: Steppes
-Interests: Magitek(technology in general), Alcohol, flirting, fighting.
-Dislikes: Magic (mostly because he's jealous he can't do it.) People that talk a big game or in general are rude for no good reason.
-Physical Description: Karagai has spent his entire life in or around fighting where his only worth was how well he could do battle therefore he holds a physique that reflects this. Not just bulky or chiseled for appearance's sake but a more 'fighter-esque' build. Functional and purposeful. Several scars can be seen at parts, especially his back which has a criss-cross pattern from a whip.
His tail is among one of his more unique features, long and incredibly prehensible it behaves much like another limb and he uses it as such.
RP Hooks:
-Gladiator: Karagai has a long record of battles in the Arena of Ul'dah. Perhaps you have seen him or fought with him or heard of him! He has also participated in several... less legal fighting rings.
-Naadam: Although not to any success Karagai makes an effort to always participate in the yearly battle for leadership of their kind. He does so mostly to enjoy himself in battle. If you're a Xaela this is an easy in.
-Shop Owner: Very recently he has opened a magitek shop. If you're looking for a weapon, device, armor, or anything of that sort you might have seen his flyer or business card somewhere!
-Troubled Past: Karagai isn't a saint. He has participated in underground fighting rings, helped smuggle all sorts of merchandise, worked as muscle for less savory kinds. You can be a past employer or simply know of him from those times.
Nothing is really off the table, more extreme plots that might heavily alter how I play the character should be talked to beforehand.
I'm pretty friendly so just hit me up ingame even for a chat or whatever.
I will never outright ignore anyone so if you DM me and I don't respond I probably just missed it/was afk so please try again! :D

All the artwork above is mine! And I do commissions if you're interested just send me a dm over Twitter (click the commissions tab) or discord @ Rudii#6891
Technical Solutions!
Karagai having been born with little to no magical talent had to find other ways to keep up with those who could freely manipulate Aether. Ever since leaving the Steppes technology has fascinated him and in particular Magitek caught his interest.
This shop specializes in equipping those without the means to use magic as a way to remain efficient in the field. Weapons and armor made to imitate certain supernatural effects through tech.
He also builds prosthetics or special to commission devices. The store is your one-stop-shop for all Magitek related!
(A more mature 18+ section is behind the counter containing Alchemical and mechanical goods. Inquire ICly or whisper me about it.)
Location: Ward 14, Plot 52